Published Monday, December 05, 2005 by shabda | E-mail this post
Earlier I had posted about how a guy(Andreas Kello) wants to make millions using a simple and crazy idea. The idea is that he is selling a domain name for 7.5mil dollars. By buying it, you are breaking a record and generating instant pulicity for yourself. Without futher commenting on merit of this idea, let me get straight to the point.
Today I got a mail from Andreas telling me that I have won a thousand dollars from commenting at his site. But that ,obviously,is payable only when the site gets sold. Oh God! Let there be one crazy billionaire who sees this site and buys it, so I may get my 1000$. Ha ha.
But what is the possibility of this happening? Hmm. Is the marketing hype, if there is any generated by it worth the 7.mils. No sir. But what if a crazy bilionare sees and is intruiged by the idea?If I had a 100million dollars would I buy it? No. If I had a billion? Might be.
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